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Fig. 5 | Micro and Nano Systems Letters

Fig. 5

From: Supercapacitive performance of vanadium sulfide deposited on stainless steel mesh: effect of etching

Fig. 5

The electrochemical characterizations of the surface-modified SSM samples; a cyclic voltammograms of the SMSSM substrate at different etching concentrations, b the graph of areal capacitance as a function of etching concentration. Electrochemical impedance results in the 0.1 Hz to 100 KHz frequency range; c Nyquist plot for all prepared samples. Inset shows the enlarged view of the Nyquist plot and d Bode phase angle plots for etched SMSSM substrates. e Cyclic voltammogram at a scan rate of 20 mV/s scan rate for the VS2 nanomaterial deposited on etched SMSSM and corresponding calculated areal capacitances as seen in f. Inset shows the photographs of etched substrates (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5% samples); (i) without (ii) with VS2 deposition

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